Client Highways England
Sector Highways
Location Avon
Value £24m
Galliford Try has created a new junction on the M49 to serve the Avonmouth industrial area near Bristol.
The project has improved road access and provide a much-needed connection into the Avonmouth and Severnside Enterprise Area from the motorway network. The new junction will also promote economic growth in this area of Bristol and reduce the numbers of HGVs and other vehicles on local roads, which currently cause considerable congestion at peak periods.
The new junction is located in the area to the south of the Western Approach Distribution Park and west of the village of Easter Compton.
The design features a two-bridge junction. It uses the existing bridge at Farm Lane with a second bridge built immediately next to it. The two bridges are incorporated into a single roundabout that spans the motorway. New access and exit slip roads have been built on both sides of the motorway junction so that it connects fully with both northbound and southbound traffic.
The new bridge over the M49 has a dedicated lane for walkers, cyclists and other users. Despite its industrial location, extensive consultation took place with the local community in order to serve their needs with the new bridge.