Revenue for the year was up 12.6% at
£1,393.7m (2022: £1,237.2m), reflecting
particular growth in Infrastructure as we
benefited from increased AMP7 spending
and the first full year of trading following
our acquisition of the water business of
nmcn plc (in administration). In line with
our strategic targets, we continue to see
opportunities for further revenue growth
across all of our key markets.
Of the total, Building contributed revenue
of £797.1m (2022: £789.1), broadly in line
with 2022 as a result of some delays to
new contract starts through calendar year
2022, initially due to the increased length
of client procurement in response to rising
inflation and later due to delays in public
sector decision making. These delays have
now eased and the resulting contract
awards provide excellent visibility into the
new financial year. Infrastructure recorded
revenue of £590.8m (2022: £441.9m), with
substantial growth in Environment as noted
above. PPP Investments’ revenue was
£5.8m (2022: £6.2m).
Our pre-exceptional operating profit before
amortisation, excluding a one-off contract
settlement (see below), was £21.9m (2022:
£18.5m), including the profit on disposal of
our interest in a joint venture arrangement.
Of this, Building generated profit of £18.5m
(2022: £18.9m), representing a margin
of 2.3% (2022: 2.4%), and Infrastructure
generated profit of £14.5m (2022: £10.8m),
representing a margin of 2.5% (2022: 2.4%).
The combined divisional operating margin of
2.4% (2022: 2.4%) has been achieved in line
with our margin improvement targets, with
further details of divisional performance set
out on pages 48 to 51.
There was an £11.1m net pre-exceptional
operating expense in aggregate between
PPP Investments and Central Costs (2022:
£11.2m). PPP Investments includes the
£3.6m profit on disposal of an interest in
a joint venture entity during the period.
Central Costs were higher than 2022
reflecting increased share-based payment
costs and some timing differences. We
anticipate Central Costs reducing in 2024.
This margin performance was delivered
against a backdrop of macroeconomic
challenges in 2022, including inflation,
materials shortages and rising interest rates,
and also after allowing for a £1.1m cost of
living payment in Autumn 2022 and £2.3m
costs associated with two acquisitions in
the year. The robust margin performance
provides confidence against delivery of our
2026 financial targets.
The Group announced on 8 June 2023 that
it had agreed settlement terms in respect
of its long standing dispute concerning
three contracts with entities owned by a
major infrastructure fund. The settlement
brought to a conclusion a complex and
challenging multi-contract dispute. Taking
into account the requirements of IFRS 15,
the Group had constrained the revenue
recognised in prior periods to the extent
that it was highly probable not to result in
a significant reversal in the future and had
also previously assessed any expected credit
loss provision in accordance with IFRS 9. As
a result of the settlement a further one-off
expected credit loss of £2.8m has been
recognised in the current financial year.
Exceptional items of £10.5m were incurred
in the year (2022: £13.7m), as set out in
note 4 to the financial statements related to
our investment in cloud-based Enterprise
Resource Planning (ERP) finance and
commercial systems. These systems went
into operation in summer 2023, and are
part of our investment in our digital and
data capabilities, which under updated
accounting guidance, is not allowed to
be capitalised. The exceptional items in
2022 related to the ERP investment (£6.0m)
and the acquisition of the nmcn water
business (£7.7m).
Net interest income of £4.5m is higher than
2022 (£2.9m), reflecting the stable portfolio
of PPP sub-debt investments and increased
interest received on our cash deposits as a
result of improved interest rates.
Pre-exceptional profit before tax for the
year was £20.6m (2022: £19.1m) and
excluding the £2.8m contract settlement
write-off previously announced was
£23.4m. Pre-exceptional profit before
income tax is an alternative performance
measure and a key metric we use to monitor
our performance in years with exceptional
or one-off items, such as 2023.
Post-exceptional profit before tax was
£10.1m (2021: £5.4m).
The pre-exceptional tax charge for the year
is £3.1m (2022: £1.7m), which equates to
an effective tax rate of 15.1% (2022: 8.9%).
In previous years our tax rate was lower
than the standard UK rate of corporation
tax due to the recognition of previously
unrecognised brought forward tax losses
and corporate interest restrictions and,
as expected, our rate is now normalising
toward the standard corporation tax rate.
The rate is lower in 2023 due primarily to
non-taxable income. The post-exceptional
tax charge is £1.0m (2022: credit of £0.9m).
We have a constructive and open
relationship with HMRC, and look to comply
with both the letter and spirit of relevant
regulations and to pay our fair share of tax.
Our tax strategy is available on our website
at www.gallifordtry.co.uk.
Earnings and dividends per share
We recorded pre-exceptional earnings per
share for the year of 16.6p (2022: 16.0p), or
18.9p excluding the one-off special contract
settlement). The post-exceptional earnings
per share in 2023 was 8.7p (2022: 5.8p).
The Board declared an interim dividend of
3.0p per share (2022: 2.2p), which was paid
to shareholders on 14 April 2023.
The Board has proposed a final dividend
of 7.5p per share (2022: 5.8p), bringing
the total dividend for the financial year to
10.5p per share (2022: 8.0p). The full year
dividend in 2023 is covered 1.8 times (2022:
2.0 times) by pre-exceptional earnings,
excluding the one-off contract settlement,
in line with the Board’s updated policy.
In its announcement on 8 June 2023
following settlement of its long-standing
dispute, referred to above, the Group
announced that the Board had decided to
declare a Special Dividend of 12 pence per
share, payable following publication of the
Group’s results for the financial year ending
“ The Board is committed to maintaining a strong
balance sheet, which provides the Group with
competitive advantage in its market and supports
our growth strategy”
Our Sustainable Growth Strategy continued
Financial review continued
Galliford Try Annual Report and Financial Statements 2023