For answers to common shareholder queries, please scroll down and click the questions below.
Your shareholding in Galliford Try Holdings plc ("Galliford Try" or the "Company") is recorded on a register of shareholders. The register is a list of the names and addresses of all our shareholders and the number of shares they own. The register is maintained on behalf of the company by Equiniti (the "Registrars"). The Registrar updates the register when your personal circumstances or shareholding change, and also sends out your dividend payments and share certificates. By law, the register is a public document which the Registrars must make available for inspection. The Registrars website is www.equiniti.com and you can find a number of shareholder services via their website at www.shareview.co.uk and information on recent dividends including the investment service which gives you more information on your investments such as balance movements, indicative share prices and information on recent dividends. You can also register your email address to receive shareholder information and the Annual Report & Accounts electronically.
Share certificates are evidence of your share ownership and should be kept in a safe place. You will need the share certificate if you want to sell all or some of your shares in the future. We recommend that you keep a separate record of the certificate numbers and the number of shares each certificate covers in case of loss or damage. Share certificates are posted to shareholders at their own risk.
The face value, or "nominal value" of the share is the minimum value. However the market value of each Galliford Try share at any particular time is the price at which it can be sold in the market. Company shares are traded on the London Stock Exchange.
If you have several share certificates for Galliford Try shares, you can ask for your certificates to be consolidated into one, by sending them to the Registrars, together with a covering letter. There is no charge to private shareholders for this service.
When you first buy Galliford Try shares you are given a unique reference number. This is an 11 digit number shown on share certificates and on dividend counterfoils and documents, and should be quoted in all correspondence. We recommend that you keep a separate record of your reference number.
If you buy shares in the Company at different times, the name and address you supply to the Registrars may differ, even slightly, from the existing details held, in which case another account may be created. If this happens and you want the accounts combined you should contact the Registrars, otherwise you may receive more than one copy of shareholder documents.
If your certificates are lost, stolen or destroyed, you should contact the Registrars as soon as you can. They will need to arrange for you to complete an indemnity covering the company for any loss arising from a dispute over who owns the shares, and you may be charged for this. Once this is done, the Registrar will send you a duplicate certificate.
If you lose a dividend cheque you should contact the Registrars immediately, confirming which payment has been lost, they will then arrange for the cheque to be stopped and issue you with a duplicate. A fee may be applicable for this service. Dividend cheques are currently valid for six months from the date of payment.
If you lose a tax voucher you should contact the Registrars, confirming which tax voucher has been lost. A duplicate will be issued upon payment of an administration charge.
ProShare is an independent organisation that promotes wider share ownership and financial education. It is a non-profit making organisation, funded by corporate sponsorship and charitable donations. They aim to make investing more accessible to everyone, by providing straightforward information about shares, investments and personal finance. Every year you will be invited to attend the Company's Annual General Meeting, and ask questions of the Company's board of directors. If there is a particularly important matter requiring more urgent consideration by shareholders then the Directors may also convene a General Meeting, which you will also be entitled to attend.
The notice calling the meeting will invite you to attend and vote on important matters such as the election and re-election of directors and auditors. Shareholders have the opportunity to hear about the Company's performance and prospects for the future, and ask questions about the Company and its activities.
If you cannot attend, you can participate in the meeting by appointing someone to attend and vote on your behalf this person is known as your "proxy". Your proxy can be the chairman of the meeting, or any other person you choose. You can instruct your proxy to cast your vote according to your specific instructions, or at his or her discretion. You can appoint a proxy by completing and returning the form that will be sent to you before the meeting.
You will need either to write to the Registrars informing them of the change or online via their website www.shareview.co.uk. When writing regarding a change of address, please quote both your old and new address and your Galliford Try share certificate reference number. When notifying a change regarding your bank details, you should enclose a completed dividend mandate form. This is available from the Registrars either by post or online.
Please write to the Registrars and enclose a copy of your relevant legal document.
If the shares were held solely in the name of the deceased, you should send the Registrars an official copy of the document by which the deceased's legal personal representative was appointed, usually the grant of probate or letters of administration, impressed with the court seal. The name of the legal personal representative will be put on the register. The shares can then be sold by the personal representative, or transferred to the deceased's beneficiary. If the value of the deceased's estate is below certain limits, the death can be registered using the small estates procedure which is less complex. Details of the current limits and the procedure involved can be obtained from the Registrars. If the shares were held jointly by the deceased and another person, a copy of the death certificate is required. The shares will then be registered in the name(s) of the surviving holder(s), and the relevant share certificates will be amended to reflect this. More information is available on the Registrars website www.shareview.co.uk. By law, neither Galliford Try nor the Registrars are able to offer financial advice. Equiniti is able to offer an Estate Valuation service, for which a fee is payable. Values can be provided as at the date of death. Please see www.shareview.co.uk for more details.
Investors normally use a stockbroker, bank, building society or "share shops" to buy or sell shares on the open market. The commissions charged for buying and selling shares vary between the different organisations. If you do not know a stockbroker, you can contact The Association of Private Client Investment Managers and Stockbrokers (APCIMS) on 020 7448 7100 or at www.apcims.co.uk for details of stockbrokers all over the UK who deal with private investors. The Company has established an execution only share dealing Service with Equiniti for existing shareholders with a UK registered address. The facility enables shares to be bought or sold within minutes between the hours of 8.30am and 4.30pm, Monday to Friday. To deal log on to www.shareview.co.uk/dealing or telephone 0845 603 7037. You should have your share certificate with you when you deal.
Stamp Duty and Stamp Duty Reserve Tax are taxes that are payable whenever shares are traded. The buyer of the shares must pay the stamp duty before the shares can be registered in their name. Stamp duty is currently set at 0.5% of the value of the shares traded, rounded to the nearest £5.00 in the case of transfers completed by Stock Transfer Form. If you use a broker to buy shares electronically, the exact amount of stamp duty reserve tax will usually be added to the price automatically.
You do not always need to use a bank or stockbroker to buy and sell shares. If the buyer and seller agree between themselves, they can transfer shares "off market" by using a stock transfer form, which must be sent to the Registrars together with the share certificates. This method is frequently used in cases where no stamp duty is payable, such as gifts of shares (perhaps to relatives or charities) or on the distribution of an estate. Where stamp duty is payable, the completed transfer form must be sent to an HM Revenue & Customs Stamp Office and the duty paid before the stamped form can be forwarded to the Registrars.
A charge to Capital Gains Tax ("CGT") may arise when you dispose of certain types of asset which are worth more than when you acquired it. You are liable to pay tax on the total chargeable gains arising on disposals you make in any one tax year (after various reliefs have been given) in excess of the annual exemption limit. The longer assets are held for, the smaller the proportion of the gain is subject to CGT. CGT can be complex so if you are in any doubt as to the current requirements, you should consult HM Revenue & Customs who produce a range of guidance booklets, or an appropriate financial adviser. Neither Galliford Try nor our Registrars can advise individuals on CGT.
Shareholders who hold a number of shares, and for whom dealing costs make it uneconomic to sell, may wish to consider donating them to charity through ShareGift, a registered charity. For further information on ShareGift you should write to ShareGift, The Orr Mackintosh Foundation, 17 Carlton House Terrace, London, SW1Y 5AH or visit www.sharegift.org.
CREST is an electronic system for settling the sale and purchase of shares. Membership is voluntary and is typically used by institutions and by individual investors who have a large share portfolio or who buy and sell shares frequently. CREST enables shareholders to hold and transfer their shareholdings in electronic form rather than using paper.
For further information on CREST please write to:
CRESTCo Limited
c/o Euroclear UK and Ireland
33 Cannon Street
There is evidence that such activity has increased over the last year or so. In the light of this Galliford Try has been working with its Registrars, Equiniti, to review its procedures and where possible restrict the opportunities for fraud. However, it is a legal requirement that the share register is a publicly available document which records a shareholder’s name, address and the number of shares he or she holds. Please view the warning we have published regarding potential fraud.
One way of minimising your exposure to share-related fraud and identity theft would be to transfer your shares into a nominee shareholder account. A number of high street banks and brokers offer such services. As you will no longer be a registered shareholder after your nominee account has been set up your name and address will no longer appear on the public record. However, please remember that historical information will still be available.